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MEDIAN Group reduces C02 emissions and invests in a large scale photovoltaic project

In celebration of World Environment Day, MEDIAN Group is proud to confirm that it has successfully reduced its C02 emissions across the UK and Germany.

At MEDIAN in Germany, it has made a reduction of 34% in four years (2019 to 2023) and at Priory in the UK, 20% in three years (2020 to 2023). 

With a focus on sustainability and reducing its environmental impact, MEDIAN Group has also invested €30 million euro in photovoltaic (PV) panels, which it will install at around 130 facilities by the end of 2025. The PV panels will reduce the group’s reliance on traditional energy grids, alongside its greenhouse gas emissions, and save in the region of €4 million euros in energy costs.

MEDIAN Group interim CFO and incoming Group CEO, Philipp Schulte-Noelle, said: “Demonstrating a significant reduction in our C02 emissions over the last few years is a step towards a greener future for MEDIAN Group, and reflects our commitment to playing a role in mitigating climate change across our three territories.

“We recognise our journey towards true sustainability needs to be continuous, and I am looking forward to extending our energy efficiency and renewables programme, improving our supply chain so we focus on environmentally-friendly suppliers, and further engaging colleagues to recognise the positive impact of their combined actions on sustainability in the workplace.”

Some of the sustainability initiatives across the group have included: replacing oil boilers with LPG and air source heat pumps, installing LED lighting, using block-type thermal power stations to supplement heating systems, and diverting waste from landfill.

Priory in the UK – where 100% of electricity is already produced from renewable sources – has recently launched its carbon reduction plan. In the short-term, Priory aims to reduce its Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions (produced by the organisation or indirectly via the energy it purchases) by 25% by 2025, and absolute emissions by 4% annually until 2030.